Homemade Banana Muffins

I absolutely love being able to collaborate with people. I am a true believer that two heads are better than one and that together we can be great and all those awesome cliches. Because I know it to be true. I am super blessed that I am surrounded by a group of like minded people, particularly mamas, who are completely into supporting one another because after all it takes a village right? (I know, I know, now it’s too much).

Me and my tribe at a Super Saturday

Me and my tribe at a Super Saturday

this lovely lady on the right is one of those women

She’s a WAHM (yes that’s right a Work At Home Mama) who runs her own business helping people find their healthy and raising two littles along the way. We have been blessed to find each other and be able to support and lift each other up, and then to expand our tribe to the lovely woman on my other side (obviously I’m the one in the middle). While we don’t see each other often because LIFE, I know these two women have my back in every way I could ever possibly need them.

Including food and let me tell you, they are absolute GENIUSES in the kitchen. So I am lucky enough to be able to share some of their amazing recipes with you! Because when those recipes get incorporate into my life (and obviously I have permission), I get to share them with you which is even more amazing! And when they’re easy and healthy, even better!


Homemade Banana Muffins

Prep time: 5 minutes

Serves 12 Muffins

2 ripe bananas
3 large eggs (4 medium size)
1/2 to 1 cup toasted oats (TJs) *optional*
3 scoops PB fit powder +3oz water
3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp brown sugar *optional*
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda 

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grab your muffin tin and line with cupcake liners or spray with non-stick spray. Put everything in the vitamix and blend til smooth, evenly pour into muffin pan top with favorite mixins and bake for 16 minutes or until cooked through. 

Recipe credit: Katelyn Davis

Instagram: @katelyn_marjean