leftover thanksgiving dinner sammies
Thanksgiving is such an underrated holiday. It’s like Halloween hits and then BAM! All of a sudden we’re at Christmas. Side note: this was further reinforced to me this year because all the retail stores had Halloween decorations and Christmas decorations in their displays at the exact same time. It annoyed me. So much. Like what about Thanksgiving? Does the Macy’s Day Parade not even matter anymore? No seriously, are people even still watching it?
I’m a HUGE Thanksgiving fan, so Thanksgiving is obviously big in my house. Growing up, Thanksgiving for me was all about going to my maternal grandmother’s house and eating my weight in mashed potatoes. She knew my brother loved mashed potatoes so she would legit make like 10 pounds of mashed potatoes just so he would have leftovers that would last usually until Christmas.
As I got older, Thanksgiving became harder to hold onto because I would work so much around the holiday as well as the holiday itself. It kind of took the magic away from the holiday, and as a result, I was even more bound and determined to hold onto that holiday. Rest assured I’ll work Thanksgiving morning as I have for several years, but as soon as work is over, family and football are all mine.
Let’s be real, Thanksgiving is a BITCH of a dinner to make. The shopping, the prep, the actual cooking…holy cow though. Which is why this next part probably won’t make sense to any of you: I love the dinner, but I’m not here for the leftovers. It’s weird because I don’t have anything against leftovers, but something about reheating that turkey and the stuffing doesn’t do it for me.
A few years ago, I became bound and determined to figure out something to do with said leftovers because I also couldn’t justify throwing anything out. So why not just throw it all into a sandwich? Seemed reasonable to me, so that’s what I did. What I like the most is that there’s a ton of versatility with it, so you can literally make this sandwich whatever you want it to be. Roll with it, let the creative juices flow and see what you can come up with! LOL and then message me, give me your idea so I can try it out for myself!
leftover thanksgiving dinner sammies
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Serves: 1
Leftover Thanksgiving turkey (or ham…or both if you’re feeling fancy)
Leftover stuffing
Leftover cranberry sauce
Leftover mashed potatoes
Sliced bread of your choice (I prefer sourdough)
Cheese of your choice
Mustard, mayo or both!
I know, there’s no exact measurements because this is really about YOU creating the sandwich that strikes your fancy and will fill your belly. Hence the vague ingredient list.
Toast your bread, and while it’s getting all warm and toasty, grab whatever leftovers you want on your sandwich (turkey, cranberry sauce, cheese and mustard are my go to ingredients). Reheat what you’re going to use. Once the bread is toasty, slap on the leftovers you’re using, as well as any additional items and there you go! Lunch (or dinner) is served!